Week 3
Getting to Know Friends
Book of the Week:
During this week, your child will learn how to interact with other peers.
Materials and Activities
Credit: Unsplash images.
Engage in a sharing activity with your child. Have them select a toy with pieces (ex. blocks) to play with, then split up the items so that you and your child each have half of the pieces. Model for your child sharing a piece and then ask them to share a piece with you. You can also ask an older sibling to share toys with a younger one. Give positive feedback as the child shares and asks for a piece of the toy.
Credit: Unsplash images.
Coloring for a friend or family member: Use scrap paper or coloring books. Provide your child with 1-2 crayons and color alongside them. Model for them asking to borrow a crayon. Offer them another crayon. Then encourage your child to ask for different crayons by naming the color or pointing. Give positive feedback ("yay you asked", "yay you shared") as child engages in requesting or sharing.